Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has advised employers to include “increasing temperatures” in their workplace H&S risk assessment.
With the recent record-breaking temperatures, HSE is asking employers to include extreme temperatures as part of their long-term health and safety planning and risk assessments for their staff and workplaces.
HSE have provided step by step guidance on how to assess increased temperature risks at work, you can read it here for more details.
If you would like help or guidance on what to include in your specific workplace risk assessments, you might be interested in our online Introduction to Risk Assessment course.
This covers how to use a systematic approach to assess the potential safety issues for your workplace, work activities, and your staff. Including what to consider when looking at the risks and hazards that could cause significant harm to people, property, or the environment.
Our Introduction to Risk Assessment course covers:
1. The Basics
2. Legislation, Regulation and Civil Law
3. Strategy – Options and Elements
4. Identifying Hazards
5. Who Might Be Harmed and Evaluating the Risks
6. Evaluating Risk – The Practicalities
7. Recording and Reviewing
8. Management and Responsibilities
Please check our website for details and dates of our upcoming courses: https://