Did you know there about 3.5 million ‘Lone Workers’ in the UK?

If you have employees that work alone, you are responsible for ensuring the associated health and safety risks have been assessed.

Working in isolation without the support of colleagues comes with it’s own set of issues that will need to be addressed. Including putting in place precautions to minimise the risk to the employee’s safety from, for example, accident or violence.

The Health & Safety Executive have provided guidance on managing the risks of employees working alone. With information on the responsibilities for both employers and employees.

This includes how to train employees to work safely, what precautions they should take to protect themselves from harm, how to supervise and monitor them and the best ways to keep in contact with them.

For the full guidance: https://www.hse.gov.uk/lone-working/

This article from The British Safety Council also looks at cost-effective monitoring options for lone workers: https://www.britsafe.org/publications/safety-management-magazine/safety-management-magazine/2021/lone-working-the-monitoring-options/

If you would like more information on common security precautions and how to implement them for lone workers, including the legal responsibilities of both employers and employees. Alpha Compliance Training runs an online course on the Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers (IIRSM Approved).

This course is an introduction to personal safety for lone workers, such as employees that work alone within business premises, mobile workers and homeworkers.

Course Modules:

1. Lone Worker Personal Safety: The Basics

2. The Law: Responsibilities

3. Assessing the Risks

4. Personal Safety Solutions

5. Practical Tips to Avoid Conflict

6. Reporting and Recording Incidents

For more details, to book now or for a free trial, visit: https://alphacompliancetraining.co.uk/introduction-to-personal-safety-for-lone-workers-course/

If you have any questions please get in touch.

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