NEW COURSE ALERT: LOLER Compliance Training

NEW COURSE ALERT: LOLER Compliance Training

Have you seen our latest addition to the Health and Safety suite? Introducing our LOLER Compliance Course, and it is available now! Course Content This concise course offers a comprehensive introduction to the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998...
Manual Handling – Where to Start

Manual Handling – Where to Start

Manual handling, or to be accurate, incorrect manual handling, is one of the most common causes of injury at work. To try and combat manual handling problems, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations were introduced. Manual handling refers to any activity that...
Compliance Training Accreditations

Compliance Training Accreditations

Compliance Training Accreditations The industry experience of our Management team, combined with our passion to drive the business forward with high expectations, means that Alpha Compliance Training has quickly become one of the UK’s leading providers of health and...